Hope is Never a Strategy

Businesses aren’t built on hope capital

Victor Onyekere
2 min readJul 9, 2020
Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash

Hope is an interesting term, especially for startup entrepreneurs. Starting a business and hoping that everything will turn out great. Launching a product or service and hoping that it’s going to sell out on a massive level. This is a rather subconscious reason why so many startup entrepreneurs get easily burned out and even depressed. You really cannot build anything on hope alone because it is never a strategy.

There are days you don’t want to get out of bed, even in days where you manage to get out, your mind doesn’t feel like working for that particular day. In those days, you cannot hope that your mind will pick up momentum. You’ve got to create the environment for that to happen. This is where the subject of ‘’conditioning’’ comes into play. You’ve got to constantly condition your mind for productivity. Hope doesn’t get the job done. You need a workable strategy and hoping is not on that list

Hope only leaves you to a wide range of things you cannot control. To create a certain level of result in your business, you will need beyond just hope. Hope as capital has no staying power. The current pandemic has crippled a lot of startup businesses and sent many on forced exile. As much as hope is needed in these interesting times, we must also understand that it is never a strategy. You need to begin to look at problems from diverse perspectives to be able to decode the solution locked up in them.

Hope is not a sustainable capital

Don’t just hope that the problem is going to go away. Embrace the problem and deploy a strategy

Talk soon.

The Strategist, Victor Onyekere
Africa’s Human Development & Productivity Coach



Victor Onyekere

African Venture Builder backing early stage founders to build and scale profitable companies